I often say that my hard work as a surgeon is actually the easy part of the whole equation. I get to go home on my own two feet (usually), exercise, and participate in family life and work – all the regular things that define quality of life for me. For the surgical patient, in this case me, all these normal activities are in suspended animation until the body heals. The recovery process for my surgery (peroneal repair + brostrom) can be broken down into separate distinct stages each important but different.
First, safe execution of surgery, anesthesia and pain control. As the patient surgery is the one you have the least control of. My advice is to pick a surgeon that you can trust and trust that they will take care of you. I trust all of my partners and any one of them would have done a great job. For this surgery I put my fate in
Dr. Hyers’ hands. Anesthesia is best in the calm, relaxed and trusting patient. I chose to have a regional block at the level of the knee, the same as I recommend to my patients. Although somewhat scary to thi nk of someone giving me needles at the knee the experience was very good. Dr. Donovan sedated me (ok I fell asleep like a baby with a small dose) and when I was aware again my foot was numb. The idea behind numbing before surgery is the concept of pre-emptive analgesia. My brain was not to feel any pain stimulus at the time of surgery and for quite awhile after. I used to say to expect 12 hours of numbness but for me the block lasted 36 hours – and I loved it! I was still sedated for the surgery and the first 12 hours or so are somewhat a blurred recollection even though in the recovery room I felt wide awake and alert.