Co-pays and balance are requested at check-in. We accept personal checks, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, cash, and most insurance plans. It is extremely important that you bring your insurance cards to your appointment so that we may obtain the necessary and correct information to file all primary and secondary claims for you. If you do not have your insurance card, you will need to reschedule your appointment.
It is difficult to know all the specifics about each insurance plan. It is your responsibility to obtain referrals and determine if we are a provider within your plan. We also accept Medicare and will bill your secondary insurance when needed. However, complete payment is ultimately your responsibility.
It is necessary for you to check with your HMO and/or PPO for any special requirements. If you have an HMO and/or PPO that requires a referral from your Primary Care Physician (PCP), we ask that you call your PCP to verify that one has been done. We ask that you bring a copy of the referral to your appointment.
If you arrive without this information, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment until a referral has been completed. We cannot wait until you are here for your appointment to verify that a referral has been performed.